In Bloch’s article, Second Language Cyber Rhetoric, he focuses on that CMC creates new languages which combine English and the languages L2 writers use. When students are put in all English environments they are encouraged to express their own opinions because they don’t have to care too much. In traditional classroom, L2 students would be afraid of being teased or looked down because of their writing. Therefore, their writing abilities are limited, that makes them lose many opportunities to practice in classroom. However, in cyber space they don’t need to worry about that because everyone could be anonymous in Internet. That would make them like to write to share with others because they are free.
Furthermore, when L2 students are in CMC their writing are limited by the differences between English and their native languages. Chinese rhetoric, for example, we get used to be around bush before we hit the mark in writing. Students who use think logic to think may have to think a lot of things to spread what he want to write in his article. English, on the contrary, we learned that topic sentences should appear at the first sentence or first paragraph, making readers clear about what you want to express. Then students could develop writing according to their themes.
In my opinion, when two languages are in a CMC environment, their combinations are not bad things. Those “new” languages are characteristics of cultures, take immigrants for examples; they represent the history about where they come from and how they accustom to their second hometown. Such Spanlish or Chinese-English, I think they have their own characteristics and meanings; we couldn’t look down people who use these “languages”. In conclusion, CMC is one of the mediation that created new language, it is a trend and there will be more and more new languages are created because the development of Internet. It represents the concept of global village.
2008年12月29日 星期一
In Verdugo & Belmonte’s article, “Using Digital Stories to Improve Listening Comprehension with Spanish Young Learners of English”, their research topic is listening comprehension. They analyze the importance of English stories to young ESLs so that they could get some information to the listening comprehension. Furthermore, the article develops their themes to the digital story to research how digital story help EFL students to learn English.
Verdugo & Belmonte indicate out several points about the advantages of stories to support that they are suitable for young ESLs in learning their English ability. According this article, stories has several characteristics in the following. First, stories demonstrate linguistic forms, grammar, phrases, vocabulary, and formulaic speech within a meaningful and structured context that supports comprehension of the narrative world. Students could learn these things from listening to stories, they could learn unconsciously in the process of listening. Second, since stories are not all texts at all, they usually contented with pictures or illustrations so that students could rebuild the whole story by them if they couldn’t understand the story by reading texts.
There are three features that this article mentions about digital stories. For one, digital stories provide students realistic pictures as visual ones to convey students the meanings. Usually, primary learners learn English under the help of visual assisting. Second, listening to others telling stories seem a one way communication; however, digital stories are interactive. In listening to digital stories, students have to do some instructions to the computer so that they could move to next chapter to proceed their listening. And the last one of the features is that once the listening comprehensions of students are not good enough to follow the pace of stories, they could choose to play the story in lower pace so that they could comprehend.
I find things mentioned above from the article are useful to me when I’m teaching English to students. These points and features are not only suitable in listening stories but also able to be used in teaching appropriately. When I speaking English to my students, I would notice if any student couldn’t understand what I’m saying. I realize the importance of listening ability to primary ESLs; therefore, I would take notice of this. This article helps me a lot for it provide me some advice to notice how students could learn more and fast in listening English stories.
Verdugo & Belmonte indicate out several points about the advantages of stories to support that they are suitable for young ESLs in learning their English ability. According this article, stories has several characteristics in the following. First, stories demonstrate linguistic forms, grammar, phrases, vocabulary, and formulaic speech within a meaningful and structured context that supports comprehension of the narrative world. Students could learn these things from listening to stories, they could learn unconsciously in the process of listening. Second, since stories are not all texts at all, they usually contented with pictures or illustrations so that students could rebuild the whole story by them if they couldn’t understand the story by reading texts.
There are three features that this article mentions about digital stories. For one, digital stories provide students realistic pictures as visual ones to convey students the meanings. Usually, primary learners learn English under the help of visual assisting. Second, listening to others telling stories seem a one way communication; however, digital stories are interactive. In listening to digital stories, students have to do some instructions to the computer so that they could move to next chapter to proceed their listening. And the last one of the features is that once the listening comprehensions of students are not good enough to follow the pace of stories, they could choose to play the story in lower pace so that they could comprehend.
I find things mentioned above from the article are useful to me when I’m teaching English to students. These points and features are not only suitable in listening stories but also able to be used in teaching appropriately. When I speaking English to my students, I would notice if any student couldn’t understand what I’m saying. I realize the importance of listening ability to primary ESLs; therefore, I would take notice of this. This article helps me a lot for it provide me some advice to notice how students could learn more and fast in listening English stories.
2008年12月28日 星期日
English v.s. Technology
In Brandl’s article “From Teacher-to-student-centered Approach” he discusses the relationship between teacher and student on the teaching of online English learning. He also mentioned about the relationship between teaching methods and the online English learning. Brandl divides students into three groups which are teacher determined lessons, teacher facilitated lessons and learner determined lessons. The division of the three groups is depended on the degree of reliability on teachers.
For the group that teacher determined lessons are students who have lower English ability so that they need teacher to help them a lot. Therefore, this group relies on teacher more than other two groups. And here the roles of teacher are important because whether students became better all depends how teachers lead them. The second group which teacher facilitated lessons are better than the previous group mentioned in the reliability on teacher. Teacher became an assistant rather than a helper to this group because although they still need teacher’s help, they still able to do something by themselves. And as concerned as the group that learner determined lessons, they have ability to handle thing on Internet and teacher doesn’t have to take care of them at all. They could do anything without teacher.
Though English ability is a crucial point to online English learning, Brandl reminds us that the technological ability is also important to students when they learning English on Internet. We could not only think about English ability of students but also should take their ability of using computer into consideration.
I agree with Brandl because I think it is important to teach students in accordance with their aptitude. The degrees of reliability on teacher of students in different levels are not the same at all. Therefore, if teacher could pay more concerns to those who are not good at English, one day they could be as good as those who doesn’t need teacher’s help.
2008年12月27日 星期六
In Kotter and Jepson’s articles they were discussing about pros and cons of the text and voice rooms. Their main idea was to compare the text rooms and voice rooms. Although the two were both communicative ways to connect with people around the world, there were some differences between them. But I prefer focus on the text rooms’ discourse.
The typed messages are used to interact in real-time text chats. It was a hybrid discourse in which combines many kinds of topics to chat. In text rooms we often used short words to present what we want to say because it is more efficient and convenient. According to this article, some participants use Internet chat rooms to play out their fantasy selves. They could do anything they could not in reality life because in Internet they were anonymous. And that made their topics more open than in reality because they feel less shy and anxious in Internet. Participants don’t have to adhere to turn adjacency conversations that face-to-face speakers follow.
Then it mentioned that in chat rooms participants sometimes would made mistakes. Therefore, modification seemed important in the discourse. “Negotiation of meaning increases the comprehensibility of language input and result in modified interaction.” When one couldn’t convey his messages to others correctly they would begin to negotiate until the meaning was clarified, that was called “repair”.
I like text chat rooms more than voice rooms; however, I don’t agree Kotter and Jepson said in their articles at all. I have something opinions to them. For one, I agree that in Internet users feel more free and unrestrained. They could say anything and do anything they would like to in it. However, Internet is not a place for everyone to free themselves; it still has its own law needed to follow. Internet crimes are often heard in nowadays, I think it is just because Internet is over promoted as a free place.
On the other hand, as repair as concerned, I agree repair is two-way. Though repair improves users’ English ability, in my opinion, the repair from others helps participants more. People often couldn’t see their blind spot and need others point out to them. If they could get repairs from chat rooms, they would correct the mistakes unconsciously. It is a good way to them to learn English.
The typed messages are used to interact in real-time text chats. It was a hybrid discourse in which combines many kinds of topics to chat. In text rooms we often used short words to present what we want to say because it is more efficient and convenient. According to this article, some participants use Internet chat rooms to play out their fantasy selves. They could do anything they could not in reality life because in Internet they were anonymous. And that made their topics more open than in reality because they feel less shy and anxious in Internet. Participants don’t have to adhere to turn adjacency conversations that face-to-face speakers follow.
Then it mentioned that in chat rooms participants sometimes would made mistakes. Therefore, modification seemed important in the discourse. “Negotiation of meaning increases the comprehensibility of language input and result in modified interaction.” When one couldn’t convey his messages to others correctly they would begin to negotiate until the meaning was clarified, that was called “repair”.
I like text chat rooms more than voice rooms; however, I don’t agree Kotter and Jepson said in their articles at all. I have something opinions to them. For one, I agree that in Internet users feel more free and unrestrained. They could say anything and do anything they would like to in it. However, Internet is not a place for everyone to free themselves; it still has its own law needed to follow. Internet crimes are often heard in nowadays, I think it is just because Internet is over promoted as a free place.
On the other hand, as repair as concerned, I agree repair is two-way. Though repair improves users’ English ability, in my opinion, the repair from others helps participants more. People often couldn’t see their blind spot and need others point out to them. If they could get repairs from chat rooms, they would correct the mistakes unconsciously. It is a good way to them to learn English.
2008年12月26日 星期五
Annotation-Internet is all purpose?
In the article written by Koutsogiannis and Mitsikopoulou, Bloch and Lam’s papers were analyzed in three ways. They thought Internet created a “new communicative order” that made students a place different from traditional classroom to learn English. Since Internet became a “contact zone”, there were some things changed and worthy of discussing. Therefore, the two authors divided their discussion of commentary into three parts to show readers how Internet influenced and changed students learning environment.
For one thing, Internet had created an informal learning environment for ESLs to learn English. In Lam’s article she thought that students could improve their proficiency in English through chatting with other students around the world in the chat room. In the process of exchanging information with others, students would learn informal words from there. In my opinion, I think it’s true because my experiences on Internet are similar to what she said in her article. I learned a lot of words I never heard of by chatting with my friends on Internet, through they are informal but funny and colloquial in their daily life. These words are near impossible to me to acquire from classroom.
Then it mentioned about CMC which could be seen as one of global-local dialectics. By using Internet to negotiate with people around the world, we connect different people from different countries. The whole article focused on the advantages about learning English in ways different from traditional ones on Internet. However, no matter how functional Internet was it still had its own limitation. We couldn’t rely on it exceeded or even transform it as the main stream among learning ducts. After all, it was just a mediation which made us acquire or exchange information easily.
Even if I rely on Internet highly while doing my assignment or papers, I don’t think Internet was all-purpose especially in the way of communicating with others or learning new things. When we are learning a new language, we indeed acquired some new words; however, we may not know how to use it well. People on Internet told you how to use not necessary right. Those idioms come from words we learned at our primary learning period of English. Therefore, traditional class teaching still has its own importance that it helped us to cultivate our foundation of English. Then we could learn something new on Internet after we had initial knowledge about it. I think it is the ideal process in learning English.
For one thing, Internet had created an informal learning environment for ESLs to learn English. In Lam’s article she thought that students could improve their proficiency in English through chatting with other students around the world in the chat room. In the process of exchanging information with others, students would learn informal words from there. In my opinion, I think it’s true because my experiences on Internet are similar to what she said in her article. I learned a lot of words I never heard of by chatting with my friends on Internet, through they are informal but funny and colloquial in their daily life. These words are near impossible to me to acquire from classroom.
Then it mentioned about CMC which could be seen as one of global-local dialectics. By using Internet to negotiate with people around the world, we connect different people from different countries. The whole article focused on the advantages about learning English in ways different from traditional ones on Internet. However, no matter how functional Internet was it still had its own limitation. We couldn’t rely on it exceeded or even transform it as the main stream among learning ducts. After all, it was just a mediation which made us acquire or exchange information easily.
Even if I rely on Internet highly while doing my assignment or papers, I don’t think Internet was all-purpose especially in the way of communicating with others or learning new things. When we are learning a new language, we indeed acquired some new words; however, we may not know how to use it well. People on Internet told you how to use not necessary right. Those idioms come from words we learned at our primary learning period of English. Therefore, traditional class teaching still has its own importance that it helped us to cultivate our foundation of English. Then we could learn something new on Internet after we had initial knowledge about it. I think it is the ideal process in learning English.
2008年12月8日 星期一
A funny experience in SL
I followed Emma’s tip to go to Orientation island, then I saw quite a lot of people there. At first I tried to find someone to chat with, however, I found that many people were as new as me. I chose a man whose name was Danger to chat, but he told me he was new here, too. He advised me that I could ask women there to get some information. When I was looking for women that Danger mentioned, a person named Harley advised me to ask a British elf. But the elf was busy in helping others so that I had to ask other guys.
[18:43] showmei Burnstein: hi Danger
[18:43] Danger Erin: Hi
[18:43] showmei Burnstein: would u mind to chat with me?
[18:44] Danger Erin: chat with you? i guess
[18:44] showmei Burnstein: oh yah
[18:44] Danger Erin: so what do you want to chat about?
[18:44] showmei Burnstein: i'm new here
[18:44] Danger Erin: i can see that
[18:45] showmei Burnstein: maybe u can tell me something interesting here
[18:45] Nikole Messmer: hey
[18:45] Nikole Messmer: i wanna be new too
[18:45] Danger Erin: its my second time in this place
[18:45] Nikole Messmer: pretend i dont knwo nothin
[18:45] Danger Erin: so i dont know whats interesting here
[18:45] Nikole Messmer: know
[18:45] showmei Burnstein: oh really
[18:46] showmei Burnstein: i've been here three times
[18:46] showmei Burnstein: but i still don't know how to use it
[18:46] Danger Erin: maybe you need a woman that can help you out
[18:46] showmei Burnstein: who?
[18:47] Danger Erin: i dont know just ask around. lots of nice people in here
[18:47] Nikole Messmer: showmei, if you follow that stone path and click the markers it will show you how to do things
Harley gave me some tips and so did Nikole. When I was talking to Danger, Nikole had given me some information here. She said that in Second Life was just like in real world. You couldn’t bump to others, that was impolite. However, sometimes I couldn’t control my direction well so that I often bump to someone. Nikole said that’s OK because even if she has been in SL for a year she sometimes would bump to people, too. All I need to do was just learn to control and avoid to do that again.
While we were talking, Harley played a little joke on me and I didn’t know what it meant. He asked me “showmei does your doctor know you talk to els, or would he believe?” I had no idea about what he said.
[18:50] Harley Bigbear: showmei does your doctor know you talk to els, or would he belive[18:50] showmei Burnstein: DOCTOR?
[18:50] showmei Burnstein: what do u mean?
[18:50] Harley Bigbear: nothing my dear
[18:51] Harley Bigbear: just a little tom foolery
[18:51] showmei Burnstein: oh lol
[18:52] Harley Bigbear: hey little lady
[18:52] showmei Burnstein: hi
[18:52] Harley Bigbear: u c i 2 am still new
[18:52] Di Dilley: showmei? ya see that green hand?
[18:52] Di Dilley: click it
[18:52] Harley Bigbear: but there are people who come
[18:52] Harley Bigbear: that will help
[18:52] Di Dilley: ya might learn something
[18:53] Harley Bigbear: you
[18:53] Nikole Messmer: then follow the path like i suggested
[18:53] showmei Burnstein: OK
[18:53] Harley Bigbear: becuase they are up on the fashions and cute little nuances
[18:53] showmei Burnstein: HAHA
[18:54] showmei Burnstein: ok i'll go to see them
[18:56] Nikole Messmer: showmei, just a pointer for when you talk to people...
[18:57] Nikole Messmer: best to keep a couple steps between you
[18:57] showmei Burnstein: ?
[18:57] Nikole Messmer: much like in real life, people can feel crowded if you stand near on top of them
[18:57] Harley Bigbear: like this showmei
[18:57] showmei Burnstein: oh i'm sorry
[18:57] Harley Bigbear: a repectabe distance
[18:57] Nikole Messmer: its alright, you'll get to know the way things go
[18:57] Harley Bigbear: it's okay
[18:58] Harley Bigbear: i had tolearn that too
[18:58] showmei Burnstein: ok
[18:58] Nikole Messmer: bumping into people is rude
[18:58] showmei Burnstein: oh i didn't control it well
[18:59] Nikole Messmer: sometimes bumping cant be helped
[18:59] showmei Burnstein: but i would afraid if i stand too far
[18:59] Nikole Messmer: i been here over a year and still have trouble controlling my avatar[18:59] showmei Burnstein: he would not know i ;m talking to him
[18:59] Nikole Messmer: if you say his name he will
[19:00] showmei Burnstein: oh hta's true
[19:00] showmei Burnstein: that*
[19:00] showmei Burnstein: i'm so rude
[19:00] Nikole Messmer: nah, just learning
[19:00] Nikole Messmer: think of it this way..
[19:00] Nikole Messmer: conduct yourself in here as you would in real life and you'll be just fine[19:01] showmei Burnstein: ok
[19:01] showmei Burnstein: i appreciate u Nikole
[19:01] Nikole Messmer: not a problem
During the process of chatting with people who help me in SL, I found something interesting. In SL is just like in real worlds that you should obey any rules as you do in real worlds. However, customs in different countries are different, so sometimes it may have some misunderstandings. For example, foreigners are used to keep distance when they talk. But in Taiwan people often used to face to the one you want to talk or even get close to him. This might be offensive at the sight of foreigners. I think it is the point I should notice and keep in mind when I'm in SL and in real worlds.
[18:43] showmei Burnstein: hi Danger
[18:43] Danger Erin: Hi
[18:43] showmei Burnstein: would u mind to chat with me?
[18:44] Danger Erin: chat with you? i guess
[18:44] showmei Burnstein: oh yah
[18:44] Danger Erin: so what do you want to chat about?
[18:44] showmei Burnstein: i'm new here
[18:44] Danger Erin: i can see that
[18:45] showmei Burnstein: maybe u can tell me something interesting here
[18:45] Nikole Messmer: hey
[18:45] Nikole Messmer: i wanna be new too
[18:45] Danger Erin: its my second time in this place
[18:45] Nikole Messmer: pretend i dont knwo nothin
[18:45] Danger Erin: so i dont know whats interesting here
[18:45] Nikole Messmer: know
[18:45] showmei Burnstein: oh really
[18:46] showmei Burnstein: i've been here three times
[18:46] showmei Burnstein: but i still don't know how to use it
[18:46] Danger Erin: maybe you need a woman that can help you out
[18:46] showmei Burnstein: who?
[18:47] Danger Erin: i dont know just ask around. lots of nice people in here
[18:47] Nikole Messmer: showmei, if you follow that stone path and click the markers it will show you how to do things
Harley gave me some tips and so did Nikole. When I was talking to Danger, Nikole had given me some information here. She said that in Second Life was just like in real world. You couldn’t bump to others, that was impolite. However, sometimes I couldn’t control my direction well so that I often bump to someone. Nikole said that’s OK because even if she has been in SL for a year she sometimes would bump to people, too. All I need to do was just learn to control and avoid to do that again.
While we were talking, Harley played a little joke on me and I didn’t know what it meant. He asked me “showmei does your doctor know you talk to els, or would he believe?” I had no idea about what he said.
[18:50] Harley Bigbear: showmei does your doctor know you talk to els, or would he belive[18:50] showmei Burnstein: DOCTOR?
[18:50] showmei Burnstein: what do u mean?
[18:50] Harley Bigbear: nothing my dear
[18:51] Harley Bigbear: just a little tom foolery
[18:51] showmei Burnstein: oh lol
[18:52] Harley Bigbear: hey little lady
[18:52] showmei Burnstein: hi
[18:52] Harley Bigbear: u c i 2 am still new
[18:52] Di Dilley: showmei? ya see that green hand?
[18:52] Di Dilley: click it
[18:52] Harley Bigbear: but there are people who come
[18:52] Harley Bigbear: that will help
[18:52] Di Dilley: ya might learn something
[18:53] Harley Bigbear: you
[18:53] Nikole Messmer: then follow the path like i suggested
[18:53] showmei Burnstein: OK
[18:53] Harley Bigbear: becuase they are up on the fashions and cute little nuances
[18:53] showmei Burnstein: HAHA
[18:54] showmei Burnstein: ok i'll go to see them
[18:56] Nikole Messmer: showmei, just a pointer for when you talk to people...
[18:57] Nikole Messmer: best to keep a couple steps between you
[18:57] showmei Burnstein: ?
[18:57] Nikole Messmer: much like in real life, people can feel crowded if you stand near on top of them
[18:57] Harley Bigbear: like this showmei
[18:57] showmei Burnstein: oh i'm sorry
[18:57] Harley Bigbear: a repectabe distance
[18:57] Nikole Messmer: its alright, you'll get to know the way things go
[18:57] Harley Bigbear: it's okay
[18:58] Harley Bigbear: i had tolearn that too
[18:58] showmei Burnstein: ok
[18:58] Nikole Messmer: bumping into people is rude
[18:58] showmei Burnstein: oh i didn't control it well
[18:59] Nikole Messmer: sometimes bumping cant be helped
[18:59] showmei Burnstein: but i would afraid if i stand too far
[18:59] Nikole Messmer: i been here over a year and still have trouble controlling my avatar[18:59] showmei Burnstein: he would not know i ;m talking to him
[18:59] Nikole Messmer: if you say his name he will
[19:00] showmei Burnstein: oh hta's true
[19:00] showmei Burnstein: that*
[19:00] showmei Burnstein: i'm so rude
[19:00] Nikole Messmer: nah, just learning
[19:00] Nikole Messmer: think of it this way..
[19:00] Nikole Messmer: conduct yourself in here as you would in real life and you'll be just fine[19:01] showmei Burnstein: ok
[19:01] showmei Burnstein: i appreciate u Nikole
[19:01] Nikole Messmer: not a problem
During the process of chatting with people who help me in SL, I found something interesting. In SL is just like in real worlds that you should obey any rules as you do in real worlds. However, customs in different countries are different, so sometimes it may have some misunderstandings. For example, foreigners are used to keep distance when they talk. But in Taiwan people often used to face to the one you want to talk or even get close to him. This might be offensive at the sight of foreigners. I think it is the point I should notice and keep in mind when I'm in SL and in real worlds.
2008年12月1日 星期一
Where am I ?
In SL I lost my way. I don't know where am I. Then I met a woman. I told her I didn't know where I am. She said"are you lost you memory?" Oh my God, I think I make a scene in SL. After I told her I was new here, not knowing how to use it and even not familiar with the places she believed that I was not a strange people.
She told me there was "furry avatar" and I don't know what it means. I saw many ads on the wall and each of the girl in the ad had a pair of ear lifted on their head. It's funny and strange. Then I went around this area and found it looked more like a casino Las vegas.

I got new style!

Oh!!!!!! This is my new appearence!!! It took me a lot of time to change it and she looks not bad, right?
After playing SL several times I finally could understand what is it doing and how to use the tool lines which I used be unfamiliar with. There are many many places in SL to go through and have some fun in it. Each one has diffferent topic so that if students go to anywhere in SL they would learn different things from chatting with foreigns in English about the place.
However, I found something difficult that it is hard to find even a person to talk with. I searched for long but saw no one, that makes me feel down. :(
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